Extension official releasesphpbb [3.3.x] Extensions Database Releases • gTranslate

<span class="qte-attr qte_support-qte">Official release</span>
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phpbb [3.3.x] Extensions Database Releases • gTranslate

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Extension name: gTranslate
Author: HiFiKabin
Extension description: Extension Name: gTranslate

Author: HiFiKabin

Extension Description: Adds gTranslate to your board. This is a replacement for my Google Translator whose code is now at its end of life

Limitations: This extension packages the gTranslate code for easy use on phpBB so its operation is limited to how they have written that code.

The gTranslate code translates THE WHOLE PAGE, including Topics, Categories, Usernames etc.

Some spaces in the template are removed but this does not effect readability.

If you are using the board in a translated language not all of the Moderation Tools will function.

It sets the default language to that of your browser.

Omit Translation: You can omit text from being translated by one of the following methods:-

1) HTML (Template files)

Wrap the text you want to be omitted within

2) BBCode (Posts and PM's)

BBCode Usage

[notranslate]{TEXT}[/notranslate]HTML Replacement

{TEXT}.Help Line

NoTranslateExtension Version: 3.3.1

Language: all

Supported Styles: all

Live Demo: HERE

IMPORTANT: If you are migrating from my Google translator extension, you MUST disable it as well as delete its Data BEFORE installing gTranslate

  • Download the latest release and unzip it.
  • Upload the folder hifikabin to root/ext/ and enable it in the ACP

Here or My Extensions Board
Extension version: 3.3.1
Tested on phpBB version: 3.3.10

Download file: gtranslate_3_3_1.zip
File size: 7.77 KiB

Extension overview page: View

Except where otherwise noted, the phpBB Team is not responsible nor required to provide support for this extension. By installing this extension, you acknowledge that the phpBB Support Team or phpBB Extension Customisations Team may not be able to provide support.

-->Extension support

Source: [url]http://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtopic.php?p=15975226#p15975226
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