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Ultimate Points does not separate download costs

Post by Hareon »

Your phpBB Version: 3.3.11
Your phpBB Type: Standard phpBB
Extensions installed: Yes
Your knowledge: Beginner

What have you done before the problem was there?

What have you already tried to solve the problem?
I tried changing permissions several times to resolve the issue.

Description and Message
I'm wanting to create a kind of store for users to spend points on my board.

So I put a general price for downloading Attachments. 2.99 at Ultimate Points - Forum Points Settings - Points Per Attachment Download.

Therefore, attachments will be charged.

However, there are 2 forums that I want to allow the download free.
Then in: Forums - Group Forum Permissions - Look up usergroup - Registered Users - (specific Forum) - Advanced Permissions - Ultimate Points - Settings - Has to pay for downloading attachments - NEVER is marked.

But even with the permission set to never pay, Registered Users cannot download if they have no balance. And I marked and saved the permission AFTER putting the price in Forum Points Settings. It should work or there should be an option to enable payment on only a specific forum instead of enabling it on the entire forum.

In any case, trying to deactivate the option on a forum does not work.

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