[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/sniper/mobiledevice/core/functions.php on line 449: Undefined variable $status [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/sniper/mobiledevice/core/functions.php on line 449: Undefined variable $status Read members pm's - dmzx-web.net
YOU MUST have the user id of 2 if not you can change it in the view.php also the path if needed here ./view.php
The code in the files above is set for user id so only the board owner user id 2 can access the data if you want to allow all founders access then find and change this in the view.php
FindThis may be a partial find and not the whole line
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post! Maybe your post count is too low.
Use this to install an ext on your board no more ftp or path making. Path too install this ext is ext/boardtools/upload
Download is here Make it easy for us to solve your issues
I don't like the link inside the forum header. Too many things getting there. I think inside the personal dropdown menu where the profile is shown or and module inside ACP for getting access. Ins't this much better ?
No the only person who has access to read the pm's is the board creator and no one else.
Edit i did not check out the link yes the board owner is the only person who can read a pm but as i said you dont need a ext to do this any way the ext just makes it a little better to read.
martin wrote: Jan 23rd, '17, 17:45
yes the board owner is the only person who can read a pm but as i said you dont need a ext to do this any way the ext just makes it a little better to read.
Yes i understand, i was joking :) I was saying violate you with dmzx , to waiting an aswer about that; ...
In xenforo there's a similar addon who makes that; also are other who can login with a another username. Same as phpBB