Author: dmzx special thanks to martin
Extension Description:
This extension allows users to add a special title in UCP to their username.
Permissions can be set by group.
updated URL to viewprofile
docblocks update
Twig update
Service.yml update
Add ACP option to change title.

Extension Download:
- Download-link
- Special title v1.0.3
- Download the latest release.
- Unzip the downloaded release, and change the name of the folder to `specialtitle`.
- In the `ext` directory of your phpBB board, create a new directory named `dmzx` (if it does not already exist).
- Copy the `specialtitle` folder to `/ext/dmzx/` if done correctly, you'll have the main extension class at
(your forum root)/ext/dmzx/specialtitle/composer.json - Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> Manage extensions`
- Look for `Special Title` under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its `Enable` link.