[phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/sniper/mobiledevice/core/functions.php on line 449: Undefined variable $status [phpBB Debug] PHP Warning: in file [ROOT]/ext/sniper/mobiledevice/core/functions.php on line 449: Undefined variable $status All custom BBCodes in a dropdown box - dmzx-web.net
On second thought, I kept abbc3 and all its neat bbcodes, then just added this custom code to this file in /ext/vse/abbc3/styles/all/template to my liking if anyone wants likes, enjoy.
Now looks like this:
You do not have the required permissions to view the files attached to this post! Maybe your post count is too low.
martin wrote: Jan 12th, '17, 00:03
No edits to any files it's an ext also adds images as the fa fa icons look plain.
Getting a problem with MOD_X commands, they just show "MODX_FIND" or MODX_DELETE" as the helpline within post drop-down. They are not pretty like here. I do not see them in ACP, so can't edit there. They also don't parse, but then again neither is my username bbcodes either.
I might have a problem with most of my bbcodes, ever since the 3.2 update many of the helplines have vanished or defaulted to w/e the language variable is I guess. I'm pretty lost on this, any help would be appreciated as many of my bbcodes are broken and it probably has nothing to do with the extension you gave me martin. I'm also posting on phpbb I guess.
kaspir wrote: Jan 16th, '17, 08:36
I might have a problem with most of my bbcodes, ever since the 3.2 update many of the helplines have vanished or defaulted to w/e the language variable is I guess. I'm pretty lost on this, any help would be appreciated as many of my bbcodes are broken and it probably has nothing to do with the extension you gave me martin. I'm also posting on phpbb I guess.
To this problem the bbCodes are parsed different in 3.2 and you have to update them in your database. (otherwise they will not display correct)