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Prefix CSS for Quick Title Edition 2.0.0

Post by dmzx »

You have to install this extension Quick Title Edition 2.0.0
Beware it's in ALPHA1 Stage and no support on the extension on this forum, If needed ask original author for support.

This will only show how to add the css file to the extension.

You will have to create a specific language key.

To do this:
Open ext\abdev\qte\language\en\attributes.php
Find This may be a partial find and not the whole line

Code: Select all

	'QTE_SOLVED' => '[Solved by %mod% :: %date%]',
	'QTE_CANCELLED' => 'Cancelled',
In this example we will make the topic solved button.
Add after Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find

Code: Select all

'QTE_TOPICSOLVED' => 'Solved',
Once the language key is created, you need to define a CSS class.
Attention, the language key and the CSS class must have the same name. In this tutorial, we will use the QTE_TOPICSOLVED language key.

Now add the css attribute:
Open ext\abdev\qte\styles\prosilver\theme\qte.css
Find This may be a partial find and not the whole line

Code: Select all

/* attributes */
.qte_solved { color: #006600; }
.qte_cancelled { color: #cc0000; }

.qte_solved, .qte_cancelled { font-weight:bold; }
Add after Add these lines on a new blank line after the preceding line(s) to find

Code: Select all

.qte_topicsolved { 
	color: #FFF;
	background-color: #88DB43;
	-webkit-border-radius: 4px;
	-o-border-radius: 4px;
	-moz-border-radius: 4px;
	border-radius: 4px;
	padding: 2.1px;
	overflow: hidden;
	font-weight: bold;
The qte_topicsolved must have the same name as in the language file QTE_TOPICSOLVED but without capitals.
Also the css can be adjusted to whatever you like on your forum.

Now go to ACP and look under Posting => Topic attributes and click "Add a new attribute" button.


Now set the Attribute name you created QTE_TOPICSOLVED and the permissions for what forum and who can use the attribute and hit the submit button.


The result is a new attribute with the name Solved like you made in the language file.


Now go the the forum you set to use the topic attribute. (in my case Your first forum as Administrator) and open a new topic.
There is now an option to select the topic attribute and in the drop down menu the option Solved


Once selected and topic is submitted the output will be shown in the viewtopic and viewforum.


So you can make as many attributes as you like with different colours and your own css style, just repeat the steps above with other names and other css edits :wink:

Grtz dmzx

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