3.2 & 3.3 Extensions DatabaseUnique Visits Counter

<span class="qte-attr qte_32_33-qte">3.2.x & 3.3.x</span>
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Unique Visits Counter

Post by dmzx »

Extension Name: Unique Visits Counter
Author: dmzx

Extension Description:

This extension is based on the visitor’s IP address. The IP address of the new visitor is checked to see if it does not already exist in the table of the extension. If the IP address does not exist, it is registered in the table of the extension and is counted as a new visit.
Visits will be deleted after 24 Hours.

- Code update.
- Code cleanup.

- Updated code.
- Deleted version check ACP and loader js/img.
- Changed language files.

- Updated migration for ip6.

- Updated version check for ssl and fix ACP error for settings page.
- Updated template files to Twig.
- Updated website link in files.

Added ACP module with version check.
Added prune for delete.
Code update.

Code Update



Extension Download:
Unique Visits Counter v1.0.6
  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Unzip the downloaded release, and change the name of the folder to `counter`.
  3. In the `ext` directory of your phpBB board, create a new directory named `dmzx` (if it does not already exist).
  4. Copy the `counter` folder to `/ext/dmzx/` if done correctly, you'll have the main extension class at
    (your forum root)/ext/dmzx/counter/composer.json
  5. Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> Manage extensions`
  6. Look for `Unique Visits Counter` under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its `Enable` link.

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