Author: dmzx & martin
Extension Description:
This extension will add an upload system for files to your forum.
This will allow you to host your own files from your server rather than use a 3rd party.
Allowed extensions 'zip', 'rar'
Set permission for groups, default only admin group can upload files.
- Code update.
- Rename "files" dir to "file-files"
- Code update for 3.3.x
- Changed code for ACP for deleting images.
- Change column filesize to BINT
- Dropped support of 3.1.x
- Added folder.
Added copy button by martin.
Twig update.
Update URL in files and copyright.
Code Update.

Extension Download:
- Download-link
- File Upload v1.0.5
- Download the latest release.
- Unzip the downloaded release, and change the name of the folder to `fileupload`.
- In the `ext` directory of your phpBB board, create a new directory named `dmzx` (if it does not already exist).
- Copy the `fileupload` folder to `/ext/dmzx/` if done correctly, you'll have the main extension class at
(your forum root)/ext/dmzx/fileupload/composer.json - Navigate in the ACP to `Customise -> Manage extensions`
- Look for `File Upload` under the Disabled Extensions list, and click its `Enable` link.