GeneralCant install webstats on my Forum

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Cant install webstats on my Forum

Post by DKBjorn »

Really dont understand guide, how to install webstats .php

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You will find the following files in the php folder: 

 template.php 
 webStatsInclude.php 
 and the icons subfolder. 

The file webStatsInclude.php contains functions that are necessary for requesting information from the Dedicated Server and for converting them into a suitable format/object that can be read and outputted by the functions in the template.php file. 
In principle, you will only need to adapt the template.php file to your requirements. 
At the beginning of the file (line 10), you will need to set the link to the Dedicated Server's feed. In lines 64 and 65, you will find two variables that specify the quality and resolution of the image retrieved from the Dedicated Server. You can choose between three quality levels (60, 75, 90) and four resolution levels (256, 512, 1024, 2048). 
This is followed by the code for the outputting of the image, and the icon for the machines. 
For example, you can refine which icon is used to display which vehicle. Currently, it only distinguishes between tractors, harvesters, attachments and trailers. You will find a list of available categories in Appendix B at the end of this document. 
Please note: The plugin uses a two-minute cache timeout, meaning that, in certain circumstances, changes to the Dedicated Server might not be immediately available on the "Server status" page. 

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<head><meta charset="utf-8" /><head>


	echo "<h1>Server Stats</h1>\n";

    $serverAddress = "";
	$xml = getServerStatsSimpleXML($serverAddress);
	if ($xml) {
        echo "<h2>Game</h2>\n";

        echo "Game: " . $xml["game"] . "<br />\n";
        echo "Server: " . $xml["server"] . "<br />\n";
        echo "Name: " . $xml["name"] . "<br />\n";
        echo "Map: " . $xml["mapName"] . "<br />\n";
        echo "Map size: " . $xml["mapSize"] . "<br />\n";
        echo "Money: " . $xml["money"] . "<br />\n";
        echo "<br />\n";

        echo "<h2>Players</h2>\n";
        $slotCount = 1;
        foreach ($xml->Slots->Player as $player) {
            if ($player["isUsed"] == "true") {

                $hours = floor($player["uptime"]/60);
                $minutes = floor($player["uptime"]-($hours*60));

                // Position of the player, may not exist on certain occasions, e.g. when the player has entered a vehicle
                // In that case the entered vehicle has a "controller" field set to the name of this player
                $x = $player["x"];
                $y = $player["y"];
                $z = $player["z"];

                echo "Slot " . $slotCount . ": " . $player . " " . $hours . ":" . sprintf("%02d", $minutes) . "h " . (($player["isAdmin"] == "true")?"Admin":"");

                if (isset($x) && isset($y) && isset($z)) {
                    echo " @(" . $x . " " . $y . " " . $z . ")";

                echo "<br/>\n";
            } else {
                echo "Slot " . $slotCount . ": ---Empty---<br />\n";
        echo "<br />\n";

        echo "<h2>Mods</h2>\n";
        foreach ($xml->Mods->Mod as $mod) {
            echo $mod . " / " . $mod["author"] . " / " . $mod["version"] . " / " . $mod["hash"] . "<br />\n";
        echo "<br />\n";

        // vehicles
        echo "<h2>Vehicles</h2>\n";
        echo "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"7\">";
        printf("<tr><th align=\"left\">Name</th><th align=\"left\">Category<th><th align=\"left\">Type</th><th align=\"left\">Fill levels</th><th align=\"left\">Fill types</th><th align=\"left\">Position</th><th align=\"left\">Controller</th></tr>");
        foreach ($xml->Vehicles->Vehicle as $veh) {
            printf("<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%f %f %f</td><td>%s</td></tr>",
                $veh["name"], $veh["category"], $veh["type"], $veh["fillTypes"], $veh["fillLevels"], $veh["x"], $veh["y"], $veh["z"], $veh["controller"] );
        echo "</table>";
        echo "<br />\n";

        // map image with vehicles
        echo "<h2>Map</h2>\n";

        $linkToServer = str_replace( "dedicated-server-stats.xml", "dedicated-server-stats-map.jpg", $serverAddress ); 
        $imageQuality = 90;     // 60, 75, 90
        $imageSize = 1024;      // 256, 512, 1024, 2048
        $mapSize = floatval($xml["mapSize"]);
        $mapSizeHalf = $mapSize / 2.0;
        $linkToImage = sprintf("%s&quality=%s&size=%s", $linkToServer, $imageQuality, $imageSize);

        $machineIconSize = 10;

        echo "<div id=\"mapContainer\" style=\"position:relative; width:1024px; height:1024px; overflow:auto\"  >";
        echo "<img src=\"" . $linkToImage . "\"/>";

            echo "<div id=\"mapElementsContainer\" >";

            foreach ($xml->Vehicles->Vehicle as $veh) {

                $x = ($veh["x"] + $mapSizeHalf) / ($mapSize / $imageSize);
                $z = ($veh["z"] + $mapSizeHalf) / ($mapSize / $imageSize);

                $x = $x - ($machineIconSize-1)/2;
                $z = $z - ($machineIconSize-1)/2;

                $vehicleGroup = getVehicleClass($veh["category"], $veh["type"]);

                $icon = "icons/" . $vehicleGroup . ".png";
                $iconHover = "icons/" . $vehicleGroup . "_selected.png";
                $backgroundColor = "#4dafd7";

                printf("<div id=\"vehicle%dContainer\" style=\"position:absolute; left: %dpx; top: %dpx;\" onmouseout=\"document.getElementById('vehicle%d').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('vehicle%dImage').src='%s'; document.getElementById('vehicle%dContainer').style.zIndex=1;\" onmouseover=\"document.getElementById('vehicle%d').style.display='block'; document.getElementById('vehicle%dImage').src='%s'; document.getElementById('vehicle%dContainer').style.zIndex=10; \" >
                        <image id=\"vehicle%dImage\" src=\"%s\" width=\"%d\" height=\"%d\" />
                        <div id=\"vehicle%d\" style=\"display:none; position:absolute; bottom:0px; left:%dpx; background:%s; padding-left:8px; padding-right:8px; color: #ffffff; \">
                        </div>", $i,  $x, $z, $i, $i, $icon, $i, $i, $i, $iconHover, $i, $i, $icon, $machineIconSize, $machineIconSize, $i, $machineIconSize+1, $backgroundColor, $veh["name"]);

            echo "</div>";
        echo "</div>";
    } else {
        echo "<p>Server stats feed unavailable</p>\n";

    echo "<br />\n";
    echo "Powered By <a href=\"\">GIANTS Software</a>\n";

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Re: Cant install webstats on my Forum

Post by dmzx »

Can you post all files?

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Re: Cant install webstats on my Forum

Post by DKBjorn »

dmzx wrote: Mar 5th, '17, 22:11 Can you post all files?
All files...? for the webstats....
Can i send you a PM, with link for webstats....`?
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Re: Cant install webstats on my Forum

Post by dmzx »

DKBjorn wrote: Mar 6th, '17, 22:57
dmzx wrote: Mar 5th, '17, 22:11 Can you post all files?
All files...? for the webstats....
Can i send you a PM, with link for webstats....`?
Yes only webstats, PM it :wink:
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